
Support Elders


Exceptional examples of Our Dedicated Service

A stitch in time

On June 25 2024, sometime around 9:30 pm, Mr J. Datta’s wife contacted ZC Mr M. Sinha to report an emergency. Mr Sinha promptly dispatched Mr N. A. Mallik, the MCA on night duty, who reached the member’s residence within 10 minutes. In the meantime, Mr. Sinha called the Alarm Centre to request an ambulance.
Upon reaching the house, Mr. Mallik discovered that Mr Datta had fallen in the bathroom. He gathered all the necessary documents and took Mr Datta to the hospital in the ambulance which had by then arrived outside the member’s residence. Mr Datta was immediately taken to the emergency room where his bleeding was stopped. Over the course of the treatment, he received five stitches on his forehead.
Mr Mallik brought Mr Datta back home by 2:00 am and left only after ensuring that the member was fine.

Kudos to team Support Elders!

Prompt and appropriate action taken

One afternoon, ZC Mr A. Roy received a call from our member, Ms M. Chakraborty, stating that she had fallen and was unable to get up. Mr Roy immediately sent MCA Mr M. K Ghosh to assist her. After reaching her house, on seeing our member’s condition he called and consulted a doctor. According to his instructions Mr Ghosh gave her medicines and ORS, which made Ms Chakraborty feel better. He then made her get up, settled her comfortably, and left.
Later in the evening, Mr Roy made a follow-up call to check on our member and found that she had fallen again. He promptly sent MCA Mr R Kamila to help her get up. The next morning, Mr Roy visited her and discovered that Ms Chakraborty was afraid to get up for fear of falling again. He also noticed that she showed signs of forgetfulness and her responses were incoherent. Mr Roy immediately called the Alarm Centre for an ambulance. Along with MCA Md Lulu, he took Ms Chakraborty to a pre-determined hospital and got her admitted. Since her son was abroad and out of the coverage area, Mr Roy sent him a message about his mother’s condition. Ms Chakraborty recovered after a few days and was safely brought back home by Mr Roy. Her son expressed extreme happiness and relief at the prompt and appropriate action taken.

Kudos to team Support Elders!

Support Elders with you at all times

Our member Ms A. Chakrabarty, was discharged from the hospital and was prescribed injections at regular intervals to keep her stable. On 27th May, 2024, ZC Mr S. Mukhopadhyay received a call from our member’s family regarding the urgent requirement of the injection to be given. The weather being cyclonic very few medicine shops were open and no medical assistant was available. Without bothering about the weather conditions, Mr Mukhopadhyay immediately set out to get the injection. He bought the injection and found a medical assistant who could give the injection and took him along with him to the member’s house. After the injection was provided, the ZC waited to ensure that our member was fine and then left the house.

Kudos to team Support Elders!

Timely decision helps in recovery

On 20th April’24 after calling our member Mr S. Mitra numerous times when ZC Mr A. Rudra didn’t receive any reply, he immediately went to check our member’s wellbeing. After ringing the bell for quite sometime when he didn’t receive any response from Mr Mitra, he got worried.
Mr Rudra started finding a way to look inside the house while calling Mr Mitra’s name. Mr Rudra somehow found a window, which he could force open. Through that he could see Mr Mitra lying on the floor. After calling a few times he heard him moaning and saw his legs move slightly. He immediately called another staff and MCA Mr S. N Pramanik reached him within a few minutes. With the help of the local police Mr. Rudra could enter the house. He found Mr. Mitra lying unconscious on the floor. Along with MCA Pramanik, Mr Rudra rushed our member to the nearby hospital. The doctor immediately put him on saline and started his treatment. Our member recovered within three days and he was brought back home with care by Mr Rudra.

Kudos to team Support Elders!