"Serving our members as we serve our parents
The greatest joy about serving with Support Elders is receiving so many opportunities to serve our elders; treating them like our parents and doing whatever it takes to deliver succour to them.”

Reliable Team
Professional and Empathetic Service
Technology-enabled solutions implemented by a team of former armed forces personnel and coordinated through our state-of-the-art Alarm Centre ensure seamless delivery of our services to elders in Kolkata, Durgapur and Bengaluru.
Home visits for
Out-of-Home Assistance:
Medical emergencies & exigencies managed:
Why At-home Care for Elders?
Through extensive research and personal interaction, we have found that the elders’ own home is the strongest bond between them and their immediate socio-physical environment. They feel at-ease, comfortable and secure there. However, there is no denying that the special needs of the elderly need to be addressed. We bring to the elders a sustainable ecosystem by providing comprehensive support in their own homes.
We offer technology-backed, customised eldercare solutions to ensure positive ageing in the cities of Kolkata, Durgapur and Bengaluru.
More Aboutholistic and responsive care
24X7 holistic and responsive support to senior citizens/Elders at Kolkata, Durgapur and Bengaluru in times of medical emergencies and for their medical and other daily needs to ensure their well-being, independence and happiness.
A trustworthy and reliable platform focusing on enhancing the quality of life of elders and with a proven track record of consistent delivery.

Former armed forces personnel

24x7 Alarm Centre

Technology Backed Solutions

Comprehensive Support

Responsive Care

Positive Ageing


Technology-backed comprehensive at-home care for elders
- 24X7 Medical Emergency Service at the touch of a button
- 24X7 help is just a call away
- Technology-based comprehensive support
- Sophisticated technology for medical emergency management, tracking and remote health monitoring
- Solutions and services customised as per members’ requirements
- Professional with Empathy and Compassion
- Highly disciplined team
- Transparency in operation and keeping family/care-sponsors updated
- All this delivered through our Unique PACT Service Delivery Model

Medical Emergency Alert Solution (MEAS)
24×7 Medical Emergency help at a click on the Support Elders App. Get regular check-in calls, access to an entire community through online and offline events and support for Out-of Home Assistance.

A technology-backed comprehensive solution, including 24X7 Medical Emergency Help and Remote Sensor-based Monitoring of health and other parameters to ensure comfort and convenience.

This holistic solution is a technology-backed comprehensive solution that not only provides 24×7 medical emergency help and other benefits of MEAS but also manages and tracks the complete medical logistics of the member. A dedicated care Coordinator is assigned to ensure the smooth implementation of this solution.


Supplementary Solutions
To choose Supplementary Solution/s, you need to opt for Core Solutions

Out-of-Home Assistance (OHA)
In Out-of-Home Assistance (OHA) our care associate visits the member for a stipulated period on a pre-defined and mutually agreed day and time to help with out-of-home work—accompany member to diagnostics, doctor’s chamber, salon; work at the bank or post office; utility bill payment/utility booking; and other support to help the member live independently.

Expense Reimbursement Services (ERS)
To help the member or care sponsor to seamlessly and accurately manage the member’s expenses, even from a remote location.

Member Logistics Management (MLM)
We manage and track the complete medical logistics, regular requirement of groceries and other food items as well as regular requirement of home hygiene of the member, thereby providing the member and/or their care sponsor more peace of mind in terms of a single point of contact.
Mental wellbeing and remaining connected being essential for cognitive fitness, we facilitate creative, cultural and educational pursuits that encourage members to chase cherished dreams, discover new passions or just socialize and interact through our Enriching Cognitive Solutions. These promote positive ageing and help keep dementia and loneliness and even depression at bay.

Experience the world from your room. Converse and Share. Pursue old hobbies and dreams. Learn new things. Showcase your talent. Live life to the fullest.

The Art of Finding Happiness in the Everyday
To mark World Happiness Day on 20 Ma...

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