Elder Care

Interweaving Tech and Human Support in Elder Care

The world is experiencing a significant shift in population ageing, and like most countries India is experiencing a steady increase in the number of elderly people in its population. Never has it been more important to improve our standards of elder care. According to the India Ageing Report 2023 of the United Nations Population Fund, 20.8% of India’s population will be above the age of 60 by 2050. Considering this projected change in demographics, it is essential to explore how technology can be integrated into elder care without undermining the importance of human touch and support.
Use of Innovative Technological Tools: Enhancing Care and Well-being for Elderly Individuals Support Elders is committed to improving care and improving quality of life for seniors, and to accomplish this we use technological tools that have emerged in modern elder care. Some of these tools include:
Ambient Sensors
These play a crucial role in identifying early signs of disease, managing chronic conditions, and detecting falls. At Support Elders, we use non-intrusive gadgets so that our members feel unencumbered. Our sensors record valuable data and are vital markers for predictive and preventive care. They monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and many other health parameters remotely, which are made available to the personal doctors of our members. Such information helps doctors to review their diagnoses and reconsider prescribed medication.
Mobile Application with call buttons
Our customised mobile app help our members connect with alarm centres with a single touch in case of emergencies, allowing them to rest assured. These apps also help families and friends, wherever they may be located, to get in touch with the alarm centre without delay. The app also helps our members to avail our bouquet of services at their convenience.
Emergency Response Systems
Emergency response systems such as devices with SOS buttons or fall-detection devices allow seniors and their caregivers to get in touch with our alarm centre directly. Personnel at the alarm centre coordinate with care staff who use location trackers on the organisation’s apps to reach the patient and take action as necessary.
Balancing Human Touch and Technologies in Elder Care
In their commitment to provide technological solutions, elder care organisations understand the need of human touch. At Support Elders, seniors can opt for telephonic check-in calls and drop-ins so that care staff are well-informed and the needs of the seniors are met. By choosing and customising the frequency and duration of personal contact with carers, the seniors remain socially engaged and rest assured in the comfort of their own homes. Additionally, members can join online and offline events geared towards community engagement.
Our specialised team of Care Integrators are certified and equipped to serve members with chronic diseases, dementia, and the socially isolated.
The Future of Integrated Elder Care
New advancements in elder care hold great potential in providing assistance, enabling seniors to maintain their independence and quality of life. At Support Elders, we are constantly evolving and are focused on making our services dynamic to suit the changing needs of the elderly. The future of elder care lies in the seamless integration of technology and human support, and we strive to create holistic and enriching environments for seniors.
Find the best elder care service in Bangalore and Kolkata at Support Elders.
Down Memory Lane

𝗘𝗴𝘆𝗽𝘁: 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘀, 𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗯𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗹𝗲

Egypt is an ancient civilisation, and our member Ms A. Roy, a teacher, visited the land known as the ‘Gift of the Nile’ in 1970. Here she reminisces about her trip down one of the most important rivers in the world.
I had always wanted to see the Nile, having read about it in history books as a child. During our trip in Egypt, we made time for a cruise along the river and a trip through the desert. We set off on a train from the Giza Station in Cairo to Aswan. The next day we visited the Abu Simbel temples where we saw the famous statue of Rameses II, a piece of engineering marvel. The statue is built in such a way that twice a year, on 22 February and 22 October, the sunlight enters the temple and illuminates Rameses’ face for 20 minutes. In the evening, we reached the Nile and got onto a luxury cruise. As we set sail down the river, my excitement knew no bounds. Our first stop was the Kom Ombo temple. Here in a museum, we saw mummified crocodiles and learnt that in earlier times the reptiles used to be revered. In the evening, we returned to the boat and spent the night there. The next day we disembarked and travelled through the desert on horseback to see the Edfu temple and the amazing pyramids. At evening we returned to the boat.
We set off very early the next day in a bus to see the Valley of the Kings. It was a three-hour journey through the desert, and along the way we saw large tracts of cultivated land on both sides of the road. We were dumbfounded to see such greenery in the middle of the desert. It is no wonder that Egypt is called the ‘Gift of the Nile’. At the Valley of the Kings, we visited the tomb of King Tutankhamen and were stunned by all the gold and the splendour there. In ancient Egypt, pharaohs would be buried with all their worldly possessions, and it is said that Howard Carter, the British archaeologist who discovered the tomb, took 16 years to account for Tutankhamen’s riches. We then visited Nefertiti’s tomb in the Valley of the Queens, the Karnak temple, and Luxor before returning to Cairo.
As mementos, I carried back with me some sand from the desert and some water from the Nile in a small container which sits alongside my collection of river waters from India. I also brought back a sample of the papyrus tree from a papyrus factory and showed it to my students. In their sense of wonder I recognised my own when, as a child, I would read of Egypt and dream of visiting it. My trip to the ancient land remains one of the most memorable ones I have made.